
MOVIE REVIEW: The Conjuring

By Cathy H - 9:58 PM

Being a avid horror movie fan, I used to watch just about every horror film in the book when I was younger but slowly stopped because no movie was made to suit my taste..it was too commercialized or just didn't have that scare factor. I heard alot of good things about this movie so I finished watching it just now. I honestly didn't find it that scary, but I thought there were many innovative elements in it and the cinematography was really good. There was alot of parts that left me at the edge of my seat but compared to Japanese horror films such as The grudge and Ring, I don't find it to have that many scare factors. The beginning half was slow and the climax was only about 10 minutes. Overall, I don't think it should be rated 8/10 on IMDB as it is similar to Sinister and Insidous. I would rate it 6/10.

However, the whole time I was watching this movie it made me think about our house in Montreal. It was one of those really old Victorian style houses (which I loved for the antique feeling) but some things that happened in there was really bizarre. We actually came up with a name for it jokingly but than my friend started saying that if we believe in the presence of a spirit strongly enough, we can really bring it to the house. I think on the first few nights me and my bff were sleeping together in one room and felt really uneasy..and there was light tapping from the outside and I legit felt scared. Than a week in the lights would flicker off and we'd think it was broken so we left it off. When we came back the lights went on again which was so strange! When I was walking around in the dark at night I always felt something looking it me..I don't know if its the feeling of being away from home but it was just strange at night, sometimes it felt very heavy in the atmosphere. Than one time we came back around night and the house was sauna hot, we assumed it was just the weather as Montreal had a humid weather warning. We were dying inside of the heat so we went out again, which was much cooler. When we came back again it was steaming hot so we decide to check the heater, which was turned ON to 30 degrees! No one else would have done this because it's in the summer and our other roomie is hardly home. It was definitely turned off for the past 2 weeks we were there until that night. I think at that point we became paranoid and kept thinking our stuff went missing (especially after a theory I searched up of common placed items disappearing and reappearing) and it just added the whole haunted house feeling type of thing. Anyway, this movie just reminded me of the atmosphere I sometimes felt in the house! I don't think its what people expect..with demonic possessions and such but it's never safe to play with spirits or believe in them too much. As long as you mind your own business and keep a happy mood, I don't believe they can rarely haunt you in a bad way. That's my little experience connected to the Conjuring!

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  1. I wanna watch this movie! Omg.. but all my friends hate scary movies and no one will go with me to watch them! LOL and the last thing I would want to do it go to the theater myself and watch it ..oh gosh

    1. It's really not as scary as I expected! Like people said they walked out halfway cuz it was too creepy..but it was filmed visually great!! U should seee it qurrrrl

  2. i haven't watch this movie yet, and all my friends said it is a good movie.
    i want to watch it soon. :D

    1. see it! scare factors not that much but filmed nicely :D

  3. This sounds creepily! But to be honest I don´t watch TV and films, and regarding creepy films this is good because I frighten myself a lot ;)

    Thanks for following - it´s a pleasure for me that I already followed you back on gfc <3

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena


    1. ahhh guess its not everyone's cup of tea but the really good ones stay in your mind forever!

      ahh thanks <333

  4. I never watched it, I'm so scared about horrors :((
    But you have a lovely blog, what about following each other via GFC and Bloglovin? Just let me know!



  5. Follow you back honey thanks <3 can we follow also on BLOGLOVIN? I will do the same let me know
