
Final reflection from Beijing- Last day

By Cathy H - 3:59 AM
Today's the last full day of my stay in China. The current time is 12:05 am, just packed away all my luggage. Been looking at one of the toys I bought from the streetside, 10 yen~ thinking about the situation here. Just like this squishy toy's tough design and imperfectly painted face, much of China is still below the poverty line. This toy's...

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Xi'an Tour days

By Cathy H - 3:58 AM
Been really busy this week. Absolutely no time to write about my day’s events! Starting Monday, we went to 2 ancient grave evacuation sites and a temple that took 53 BILLION YEN to build. So crazy…all for a couple of buddhas and temples? Well, it was very interesting but kind of creeped me out because I don’t know WHAT to worship. Neverthelessly, it...

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Day 5 & Beyond: Life in Xian & photoshoot!

By Cathy H - 3:56 AM
Starting Friday, I was on the train back to Xi’an. The train was quite an interesting experience, a bit boring but regardless I felt like everyone was very open and friendly. There were people interacting, cute little kids fooling around, and I just mopped around listening to my music and going to the train compartment’s meal section to eat lunch and dinner. It...

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Day 4: Mo Gao Ku Temple/Desert

By Cathy H - 3:51 AM
Yesterday was an all driving day. Let’s just say I have no reason to stay positive yesterday. 6 hours of riding an ghetto tour bus WITHOUt air conditioner. Yea. And apparently all the people riding the tour bus here are divided to separate groups. I’m just tired of eating out,living and being alone. It doesn’t suit me at all. I need friends, people!...

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Day 4: Arrivial at Jia Yu Guan

By Cathy H - 3:49 AM
Today was another travel/flight day. I arrived at the Xi’an airport at around 12:00 noon, BUT just my freaking luck..the airplane was delayed AGAIN by 2 hours. I was about to explode,seriously. Thank god I didn’t, or else people will actually think I’m mentally challenges..but this type of thing is getting freaking annoying. I understand that airplanes often become delayed, but they shouldn’t...

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Day 3: another day in Xi an

By Cathy H - 2:50 AM
Today was just a chillax day with my aunt! We went out for breakfast at this little store.. had this soup thing with lamb meat & bread, apparently it’s a speciality there. I loved it and wished in Canada there was so much variety like this … then we went to the cell phone store to get my a phone card, was in...

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Day 2: Arrival in Xi'an

By Cathy H - 2:47 AM
I was up at 9AM early morniing to get ready for my flight. I finally got to see Beijing without the horrible rain & fog from the previous night! It’s acrtually such a busy, never ending city full of high rises on literally every single block. The traffic was much better driving to the airport..but the flight was delayed. Not just a few...

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Day 1: Arrival in Beijing

By Cathy H - 2:46 AM
Bits & pieces of entries I wrote there. It was such an undescribable, amazing trip :'')------------------------------------------------------------------ Today was the first day of my China trip. Saying goodbye to my parents was actually pretty bittersweet because I’ve never been away from them for longer than a week. Thank god the young woman beside me on the plane seat (which I sat in the wrong...

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