
Intuous Tablet Digital Illustration: Felice Fawn Portrait

By Cathy H - 11:04 PM
Felice Fawn has been one of my favourite Tumblr models since the beginning of time. Her aesthetics are amazing & I dedicate this to her. It took around 3 days and probably 10 hours. This time, I focused on learning some realistic painting techniques some as the eyes and lips. I think there has been drastic improvements since my first digital illustration. I...

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Humanity & Unconsciousness

By Cathy H - 9:56 PM
I will never understand why humans are put  in such a position of despair. I want to promise myself that before I die, I want to make at least a inkling of a contribution to bettering the life of at least one person stuck in extreme poverty. As a child, we are not consciously aware of the suffering that awaits us & we...

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"How Privileged Are You?"

By Cathy H - 10:37 PM
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Intuos Digital Illustration: Ash Stymest

By Cathy H - 5:38 PM
Here is a digital illustration I did of Ash Stymest, a British model I've been following for the past few years. It was done on a Intuos tablet, and took me around 7 hours to complete.  ...

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