30 seconds to Mars- Hurricane

By Cathy H - 5:01 PM

I just finished watching the music video of this song now. I've been looking forward to it for a week! Since I just got into 30 STM music, I don't understand much about the background/history/style of the band. There's only one thing for certain- their music is really emotional and powerful. The lyrics all mean something deep & symbolic, I can't describe how unique it is. My favorite song so far is-Hurricane. After watching the music video, I didn't understand all the components of it, but I did grasp the emotions & chapters with the meaning "birth,life,death". From what I grasp, it's about morality and battling our inner demons- from "tell me would you kill, to prove you're right" and "do you really want me dead, or alive to torture for my sins?" If any of you read "Hamlet" from Shakespeare, there's a scene when Hamlet has a opportunity to seek revenge on his enemy, but decides against it when he sees him praying for forgiveness. This goes back to the concept that during the earlier times, it was believed if you prayed before you died, your soul would go to heaven. In the end, Hamlet kept his enemy alive to save for another time to send his soul to hell when he sinned.  I love artists like this, who use a varieties of art forms & symbolisms to express meaning. It's truly excellent, despite the amount of nudity,sexual content, and violence in it. But then again, there are far worse content in other music videos these days- so I don't understand why this is considered banned. This video is a masterpiece!

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