These 2 festivals both took place in my city, one is a latern festival around a bridge/river 5 minute walk from my house and the other is a Bullfighting festival that's supposed to be the biggest in Asia. It's not gory like the spanish bullfights where man kills bull, it's just 2 bulls against each other. It was a fun weekend exploring my...

Went to the wine tunnel in our town, Cheongdo with friends last week and had a blast taking pictures and walking through the tunnel looking at sculptures, lights, trying some wine/cheese and even came across a restaurant with a prison theme. Korea is so interesting! The weather was so sunny a few hours before these pictures were taken, than started raining hard and...
I just finished watching this film, and it gave me legit chills. It is totally my kind of movie, with a intriguing dark storyline and characters that ask the audience to reflect on their upbringings and the way they came to be. It focuses on the strained relationship of a mother whom does not embrace motherhood or being a good parent to her...
How to Edit Selfies and Photos with VSCOcam + MeituPic: Best Photo Editing Apps
By Cathy H - 4:52 AM

Through trial and error over the years, I've finally established a sort of "selfie editing" routine. Editing pictures is like a hobby to me, whether it's on my phone or computer. The whole process of it is so relaxing and rewarding- because you can turn a bland pictures into such a vivid creation! I like my photos looking that "Kylie Jenner" vibe...a little...